Thursday, October 12, 2017

First Post

Here's to the beginning of the Catholic and a Half blog by me, Alyson Klimitchek, aka Catholic and a Half. I met a guy in college named Kelly in an RPTS (recreation parks and tourism science) class we both did not want to be in, but was required in our WFSC (wildlife and fisheries science) degree plan at Texas A&M. We met while doing a group project and be came study partners from there. One night as he was driving me back to my car which was parked over at St. Mary's as I never wanted to pay for parking on campus, we got on the topic of faith. I briefly said what all I was involved with at St. Mary's and how I liked to go to mass every evening. His response, "well aren't you just a Catholic and a half." I laughed and thought yeah I guess so. He told me a bit about his story, how he was baptized Catholic but wasn't really into it at that point. I still wonder about him from time to time. After that semester we never really connected again. I wonder where he's at and what he's doing. I wonder about if he goes to church and I pray for him. I wonder if he remembers me. 

Going forward from that thinking back on the memory of that night in his truck when he called me that I always smile. He barely knew me and that's what he saw, a Catholic and a half. That's a good name to live up to. Be Catholic and be more than typical. Be Catholic and be more than the minimum. 

Fr. Max at my home parish once gave a homily on the basic minimum requirements of Catholics. They are outlined in the Catechism as the Precepts of the Catholic Church. 
  1. The first precept: You shall attend Mass on Sundas and Holy Days of Obligation and rest from servile labor."
  2. The second precept: You shall confess your [serious] sins at least once a year.
  3. The third precept: You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least once during the Easter season.
  4. The fourth precept: You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.
  5. The fifth precept: You shall help to provide for the needs of the Chruch.
    For more please read CCC 2041-2043
I remember when he stated these 5 precepts I thought wow, really that is it? Fr. Max of course challenged the congregation to being more than just the minimum.

"Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." -St. John Paul II

Too often we settle for mediocrity in many aspects of life. We may even praise it rather than correcting it and expecting more or better. We have settled into mediocrity when it comes to respect both for ourselves and others, in manners, in attire, in work, in school, in discipline, and the list goes on. We definitely have settled into this mediocrity in our faith. We have accepted it as the norm. Watered down the traditions and theology so as to please all, make everyone comfortable and just get by. We speed through prayers, show up late for mass, dress in whatever we feel like, we may or may not participate with the songs and prayers of the liturgy, never explain to others why we do what we do. Maybe we don't really know our faith but settle with what we have and never bother to learn and grow. May put off confession reasoning our way out of the guilt. Perhaps we see God as merely just a "best buddy" rather than the all supreme loving, merciful, and just judge that He is.

Let's stop settling! Wake up and be better! Be fully the person God called you to be! Don't just settle for being a nominal Catholic. Let your faith really mean something in your life. Let others see the difference it makes in you through your words and actions. Keep on learning and growing and invite others to join you. Don't just meet people where they are at, challenge them to go forward. Let's live our faith and show the world what, more importantly who, the Catholic church is. If we all woke up one day and lived it we could change the world. Be an intentional disciple! Be a Catholic and a Half!

Image result for catholic church quote

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